Chantelle Paige


Below is a selection of images I've shot for Chantelle Paige including various album covers, promotional materials as well as a sampling of fashion/lifestyle photos from her blog and Instagram. For more please visit her Instagram and blog where I am the Creative Director and primary photographer. 

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The Midway Gallery and Studios

Art Gallery and Event Space

Below is a selection of images I've shot for The Midway Gallery and Studios including various events and promotional materials. For more please visit their website where I am the primary photographer. 

Photo Apr 13, 4 06 57 PM (1).jpg
Photo Apr 13, 2 19 09 PM.jpg
Photo Apr 13, 4 35 11 PM.jpg


Beauty company producing fashionable glass water bottle 

Below is a selection of images I've shot for The Midway Gallery and Studios including various events and promotional materials. For more please visit their website where I am the primary photographer. 
